Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hi everyone, in a little over a week I will be heading to Botswana!! It hasn't yet hit me that I am actually going to be on another continent for four months, but I'm glad I've gotten to spend time at home before I leave. Today is Christmas and most of my gifts were things I would need to take with me, so I have started thinking more about packing, and actually leaving! So crazy. I'm really excited for this opportunity, but I'm also nervous about being away from home for so long.. I'm a big home-body. At least Jon is coming with me, so I will have something from home. Currently we are awaiting news from anyone, both Global ed, and UB have been exxtreeemmellly slow in responding to anything. I have so little faith in our global education center, no one I know has had good experiences there, so at this point I'll just be happy if I end up in the correct country. We'll find out soon!


  1. Its 11am Jan 5th Kelly should be in a tiny 8 passenger prop plane with Jon and their 200 pounds of luggage!!! They should be landing in Botswana about noon our time...she has been traveling for 21 hours so far..!!

    As soon as we hear from here I will mention it here!


  2. You are crazy! But have fun and take pics!
