Monday, January 19, 2009

Nnyaya ga ke itse Setswana

So we started classes last monday, and all in all they've gone pretty well. It was very hectic getting the registration done, and we didn't end up getting our course lists until monday afternoon, but we did get them! The first week of courses here many people choose not to go, even the lecturers don't show up to many. The registration process is so long and complicated that it takes forever and people just don't bother coming to classes until at least the second week. For us though we were choosing courses from many different areas, so the times were clashing a lot, whereas regular full-time students here would be taking courses in one discipline so the times and days would work out. Classes are also not set in stone, they change times, venues, and even (as Jon found out today) are cancelled completely for the semester. So with one of my courses I'm still attempting to track it down, but the rest have gone well. I am currently taking the biological basis of human behavior, abnormal psychology, setswana, a history, and a class dealing with societal views of those with mental retardation. Its going to be a somewhat harder semester for me here though because most of the classes are taught mainly through lecturing and taking notes. Theres not a lot of interaction or discussion, nor are there any assignments other than one or two exams... very different from what I am used to. My biopsych class holds about 80 students, and despite all the seats, there are still people standing along the walls, in the hallway, and sitting on the floor for the class.. something that has been a huge adjustment for me because it's very very chaotic. I was almost trampled getting in there today, so I'm coming up with new plans of attack for getting a seat next class. Setswana has been interesting.. most people here very easily switch between Setswana and English (especially professors while giving lectures!!) but it's going to be nice to be able to communicate more clearly, as well as learn more about the culture through the Setswana.

So for now in class this is what I have: Nnyaya ga ke itse Setswana. No I don't know Setswana.

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