Saturday, April 25, 2009

Little Things

The students here are currently campaigning for the student representative council for next year (the majority of this years SRC was expelled/suspended during the strike). It's cool here in that they run in legit political parties which coincide which the parties currently running for election. I will be voting for the Botswana Democratic Party and getting a sweet t-shirt with a fist on it. I'm super excited for my t-shirt! But also I like their politics and there are several people running for the BDP who I'm friends with. Unfortunately the politics are pretty dirty and the election has been postponed a few times, we're just hoping it actually happens, and happens before we leave!

On a totally different topic they have these red ants here, we have nothing like them at home. They are super fast and there are millions of them. The main issue being they sting and it hurts like hell. I'm mentioning this because I was just stung in the arch of my foot. They will keep stinging/biting whatever until you get them off, and walking around in flip-flops is bad news if you have to walk through them! I've been lucky and have only been attacked three times! Hopefully that it's for the semester!

Finally the dining halls/refectories. These are still awful, though occassionally things get better, but even if I can get chicken instead of goat liver, that is a smell that really does not help my appetite when I'm trying to choke down my 3249824234098234 meal of white rice.

1 comment:

  1. I beleive these may be fire ants and we do have them in the US, atleast in Texas.
