Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sexual Harrassment

I am currently taking a course here called the psychology of work and labour relations. Which is actually really interesting because it deals with issues every person will face in the work place etc.. etc.. (Just don't get me started on my lecturer for that class because she is entirely incompetent and wastes huge amounts of my life I will never get back!) ANYWAYS! during that course we were discussing sexual harrassment, and it seems like in Botswana the women actually enjoy the attention? There aren't really sexual harrassment rules, and a lawsuit over something like that is virtually unheard of. My lecturer was discussing how she has seen many women in high powered jobs just giggle and bat their eyelashes when harrassed. I think this may lead to how men treat the women here and why they are so generally suprised when us American girls don't leap into their arms.

The men here will whistle, or call out to us such things as "I need to marry a white girl.. c'mon honey!" "Hey baby!" "Whats up chick!?" etc. etc. or grab your butt or something and my response is generally something along the lines of "good luck with that" and/or straight up ignoring them, which is what most of the international girls do but the men genuinely get suprised. Some have even approached Jon to ask how to get a white girl. My advice starts with: Don't open with I need a white girl. Open with something like, hi! My name is Thembe... etc.

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